We work. She works. With your help.
Every teen girl and young woman who joins Yes She Can has a different experience with autism. But they all share the desire to be accepted and included. Listen to our young women share their feelings about their autism and acceptance.
They also share the goal of employment.... which is why Yes She Can was created.
Isabelle knew at age 11 that she wanted to work at American Girl Place, the store that sells her beloved dolls. In high school she had internships, but the training was not sufficient. She was not learning how to be flexible, how to problem-solve, or how to accept critical feedback. None of these come easy to people with autism. But with skilled professionals and intensive coaching, they can be learned.... as long as there are skilled professionals and a dedicated curriculum - and time.
So, we created an authentic business where these and other essential skills for success at work can be taught and practiced. Our social workers, occupational therapists, and business managers work one-on-one with trainees at Girl AGain boutique, helping trainees develop core skills. We also teach trainees the skills they need to pursue employment.
Women with autism. We work. With you.
Isabelle is now working at Sephora. Mackenzie is working at Barnes and Noble. Madison is working at a bakery. Alex is working at an accounting firm. Cristina is working at a library.
Will you work with us?
We need your support of our programs so that we can continue to help young women like Izzie, Mackenzie and Madison achieve their dreams of being accepted, having a job and being included.